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Singing, shouting, they sing Heaven:
Heaven-dancing harmonies,
Gently moving, sorrows soothing,
Whispering a tune to please:
Gladsome glimmers, peaceful shimmers,
Heaven humming in the breeze,
Brushing melodies from sideswipes,
Painting pleasing tonal frieze,
Well-tuned tones to hitch the heart-strings,
Stirring grace-note memories,
Thunderclaps or subtle sighings,
Heaven in the midst of these,
Chiming Heaven in our hearing,
Echoes of a longer psalm,
Sweet surprise to fill our joy banks,
Cladding day and night in song.

by Gwennon
February 21, 2024

for CORINTHIAN BELLS, the most perfect wind-chimes in the world, perhaps the history of the world!!!

written all over town as my kind husband drove us for errands; partly composed on a bench at the mall, where I sat counting syllables and looking for rhyming words. My husband was unusually patient with me as I caught and reeled in one line or phrase at a time.